To the Moon available now in Humble Indie Bundle X

What if you are given a chance to relive your life to fulfill the one wish you always desire, but it is also the last thing you will do? At first, I thought To the Moon is another attempt on the recurring time travelling theme, but tons of positive reviews on this 2011 game encourage me to at least give this game a try. Oh boy, I am glad that I was dead wrong.

To the Moon is probably the best adventure game I have ever played. Not only the story is great and heartbreaking, the amount of details the developer (Kan Gao, Freebird Games) put into the story is superb as well. All I can say without spoiling the story is everything make sense at the end. Please do not let the dated graphics and lack of gameplay element blind you. I would advise you to run this game in one run to fully enjoy the story. People usually took 3 to 4 hours to finish the game, but the perfectionist in me extend the hours to about 6.

Furthermore, with the introduction of Humble Indie Bundle X, To the Moon is now available on Mac and Linux. All of the games in Humble Bundle X is available DRM-free and pay-as-you-want, with payment above USD 1 gives you access on Steam. I would dare say that To the Moon is already worth more than 1 dollar itself.

PS You could look forward to A Bird Story by the same developer.


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