Upgrading PlayStation 4 Hard Disk Drive

Have you gotten your hand on the newly released PlayStation 4? Are you satisfied with the rather small hard drive? (PS4 comes with 500GB 5400RPM SATA II hard drive, and a typical game can take up tens of GB in space, list of launch games with their size.)

Here is an article that described the steps to change the default hard drive to a 256GB solid state drive. The user claimed that the full boot speed has decreased by 11 seconds to 16 seconds. Other reported improvements include a five-folds increase of game installation speed and smoother movie and cut scene playback.

You might ask "will it void the warranty?" According to forums and ultimate FAQ by Sony America, the answer is no. One thing to note that Sony does not officially support a higher RPM hard drive.

Thanks Terence for the tip!


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