Diablo III pre-order available now for SingTel Mobile customers

Last edited 4 May 2012.

Recently, a post in the official Diablo 3 forum relayed message from Jay Wilson, the Game Director of Diablo 3, that hints at a near-future launch date announcement. Then, Lowyat.NET found that the pre-order price for Singapore has been revealed (SGD 89) at GX.com. This pre-order is exclusively for SingTel Mobile prepaid and postpaid customers. This price is not totally unexpected as Starcraft II pricing is SGD 20 higher to compensate for servers cost. Click the source link to pre-order your copy.


Update: The PvP Arena feature is removed from the initial launch of Diablo 3, Blizzard promised to release it as patch. Thanks for the tip, Terence.

Update2: Not many game can garner so much attention like Diablo 3. Yes, Diablo III, launching 15 May 2012, digital pre-sale available now (see picture). If you pre-purchase now, you can download an encrypted version that will be unlocked on the day. For more information, you can refer to the official press release and the game page. There is only one version for Diablo 3, Global, unlike StarCraft II that implemented region lock. Unfortunately, the price in Singapore is around 18% higher (SGD 90) than the suggested retail price (USD 59.99 or about SGD 76) from Blizzard.

Update3: Maybe Blizzard is trolling their fans. If you are in SEA region and proceed to buy the game, you will be charged USD 90 (~SGD 114, see picture) instead of SGD 90, a total of 50% extra! In the meantime, take a look at the system requirement for Diablo 3, which is higher than StarCraft II, according to GPU benchmarks by PassMark Software.

Update4: Finally, Blizzard corrected the pricing for Diablo 3, but would you pay more to buy D3 from SEA or get it elsewhere? (Diablo 3 is not region-locked.)

Update5: As Diablo 3 launch date draws near, more information regarding different aspects of the game has been released. After the open beta weekend for D3, you can now read more about Diablo III Auction House here.


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