
Last edited 13 March 2012.

Samsung has finally rolled out an Android answer to the popular Apple iTunes Podcast. You can download it from Android Market now. Round 2 fight!

Update: If you are using a Samsung device and your model is not compatible with the Android Market version, KiesCast should be available as an update in Samsung Apps.

Update2: I revisit the Android Market today and found that the incompatibility is due to country restriction. It seems like I am the lucky first few who are able to download it in Malaysia when it was just available. You could not find KiesCast in Samsung Apps either (at least from Malaysia & Singapore).

Update3: I did some research and finally found a workaround to bypass the country restriction and download KiesCast from Samsung Apps. 

If you do not have Samsung Kies, you need to install it first. If you already have Kies, please skip the rest of this paragraph. After clicking on the Samsung Apps in the left sidebar to finish all the necessary updates, you will be prompted to select a country for your Samsung Apps store. (I selected United Kingdom because I know KiesCast is there.) Then, you agree to the terms and conditions, select your device, and finally search for KiesCast. (If you see nothing, try initiate Samsung Apps by searching for KiesCast.) You will need a new Samsung account to download it. (Each email is bound to one country.)

Unfortunately, I was wrong earlier about uninstalling/reinstalling Kies to enable country selection. You can indeed change the store location to other countries, such as United Kingdom (see picture below). However, you still need a new Samsung account to download it as each email is bound to one country.

Finally, you transfer the apk from Samsung Kies to your device and install it. Enjoy your new KiesCast, which is, at the time of writing, newer than the one in Google Play.


  1. Thanks for extracting the apk. (I didn't root my phone yet)

  2. InsightfulDiqsus9 Nov 2012, 07:46:00

    KiesCast apk download:


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