iPad 2 in Malaysia on 29 April?!

Malaysia Mobile Tech News stated that Timothy Cook, COO of Apple said "we are shipping to an additional 13 countries next week" on 20th April. Then, we have Amanz found a Facebook post that Machines is hiring additional staff on 29-30 April. Furthermore, I tracked the tweet from Machines (figure above) that linked to a lost Facebook page. I also found that shoppingNsales got confirmation from Harvey Norman that iPad 2 is arriving on 29th April. Are you reading my mind? Also, get more updates after the break.

Update: SoyaCincau spotted iPad 2 stocks in the wild.

Update2: Looks like pre-order was up but slots were quickly filled. Rumored price is up too. (VIA SoyaCincau)

Update3: The iPad 2 page is up at Malaysia Apple website (Singapore), unfortunately not available at the online store yet.

Update4: Lowyat.NET reported more information on Machines cancellation of training classes and how to pre-order!

Update5: The Star is reporting it now. (VIA Amanz & shoppingNsales)

Update6: It's official! Apple is launching iPad 2 in Malaysia and Singapore 29th April, along with white iPhone 4 in Singapore 28th April (not in Malaysia, unfortunately). According to Apple, the suggested retail price is USD499 for the 16GB Wi-Fi model, which means the price of iPad 2 should be RM1499. (VIA GreyReview)

Update7: Finally, the price has been revealed at Machines webpage. (VIA SoyaCincau)

Update8: The online store is up (MY/SG). The smart cover is RM159/SGD54 and RM299/SGD98 for polyurethane and leather, respectively.

Edited 29 Apr 2011.


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