
Showing posts from August, 2012

Section 114A of the Evidence Act 1950

Enforced on 31 July 2012, the recent amendment to the Malaysia Evidence Act 1950, or better known as Section 114A, presumes that any registered user of a network service is the publisher of any online content sent from the computer or mobile device that was linked to that network, unless the contrary is proven by the user. Its wide-ranging effect are best explained in the following info-graphic. (Click the image for a larger view.) SOURCE In order to gather voices that are against the implementation of this amendment, Centre for Independent Journalism, Malaysia (CIJ) launched the Internet Blackout Day ( official blog of this movement ), a reminiscence of the SOPA protest that was participated by major internet players earlier this year. Some major supporters of the Internet Blackout Day are , , and The Malaysia Bar . You could also learn about this movement from Jac sm Kee, co-director of CIJ, through the