Prish Image Resizer

Windows XP has a PowerToy that is very useful to those who want to resize their pictures by just a right click. However, Vista miss it (again). Luckily, there is some one named Prish make a substitute with even more functions. Miss the right click and resize? The official link is gone since Windows Live Space is no longer available, you can download it at now. (If you need the 64-bit version, just leave a comment here and I will post it up for you.)

I also found out that there is a Vista clone for Image Resizer XP (usable for Windows 7 too.)

Note: Prish Image Resizer offers more functionality than the vista clone, such as jpg quality selection and saves resized pictures into custom folder, and makes resizing job quicker with its  pre-defined jobs in the context menu.

For the reasons stated in the note, I chose Prish Image Resizer.

Edited 27 Apr 2011.


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